Inge Tvedten
Completed projects

SIDA-Evaluation of SIDA's bilateral research cooperation

Urban and Rural Poverty Dynamics in Angola

[FCG(SIDA)-Mid-term Evaluation of Swedish government funded Civil Society ]

CEIC-CMI Angola Programme

Gender Relations and Human Rights in Angola

Reality Checks in Mozambique 2011-2016

Film Project "Maputo Emergente". Visualising an African Divided City

Monitoring Mozambique's Poverty Reduction Strategy PARPA (2006-2013)

Gender Equality and Development in Mozambique - Contribution to WDR 2012

Gender Policies and Feminisation of Poverty in Mozambique (2008-2010)

Bistandsarkitekturen sett nedenfra

Accounting for Poverty Reduction in Norwegian Development Aid to Mozambique

Gender Policies and Feminisation of Poverty in Mozambique (Sub-Project 1)

Poverty Monitoring and Evaluation in Angola

Urbanisation and Poverty in Africa: Challenges for Norwegian Development Aid

Angola. Key Development Issues and Political Decentalisation

Monitoring Political and Economic Developments in Angola

University-Based African Consultants in Nordic and Canadian Development Aid

Institutional Cooperation between Public Institutions in Norway and the South

Angola and Norwegian Development Assistance
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Journal Articles
Books and Anthologies
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Blog posts
Anthropologist with a particular interest in urban and rural poverty and poverty alleviation.
Inge Tvedten's professional profile includes urban and rural poverty monitoring and analysis; gender equality/women empowerment; governance/public service delivery; natural resource management/ small-scale fisheries; and development cooperation/institutional development. With his extensive experience from academic/ applied research as well as consultancies and aid administration (for Sida, Danida/Ibis and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Tvedten is well placed for making research and evaluations relevant to the needs of government and aid institutions in developing countries.
Tvedten has lived and worked in Angola, Namibia and Mozambique, and has primarily worked with Mozambique the 15 years. He has published/is in the process of publishing in reputable journals including the Journal of Democracy, Journal of Modern African Studies, Urban Studies, Review of African Political Economy and World Development. He has also written/edited four books. From 2012-2015, Tvedten headed the research project “Maputo: Ethnography of a Divided City” – including the production of a film with the same name – financed by the Norwegian Research Council.
In Mozambique Tvedten has been team leader for a number of applied research projects on poverty reduction, gender and public service provision – monitoring and evaluating the local impact of Mozambique’s poverty reduction policy PARPA for DFID (2006-2011); the local impact of Mozambique’s policies for gender equality and women empowerment for Norad (2008-2010); and the local impact of Mozambique’s development efforts in good governance, agriculture/environment and private sector/ entrepreneurship for Sida (2011-2016).
Tvedten has recently evaluated ‘Norway’s Support to Women’s Rights and Gender Equality in Mozambique’ for Norad (2015); the ‘Swedish Government Funded Research Cooperation with Mozambique’ for Sida (2016); international aid to Mozambique through a Country Evaluation Brief for Norad (2017); the Swedish support to the University of Rwanda for Sida (2017); and the Swedish Government funded civil society support through the AGIR II Programme in Mozambique for Sida (2018).