Jan Isaksen
Experience and Institutional Capacity for Poverty and Income Distribution Analysis in Angola
Timeframe: Mar 2006 - Dec 2006
Funder: Norad
The concentration of power and democratic deficit, as well as the poverty and major income differences, will over time affect both social and political stability in Angola. Norwegian authorities therefore see it as a central objective to build civil society capacity for constructive participation in the societal debate with a focus on poverty reduction.
CMI has been contracted to carry out a study on the experience and institutional capacity for poverty and income distribution analysis in Angola. The purposes of the study are:
- to produce an input to the Norwegian Embassy and its partners on the present status of and the institutional basis for poverty analysis and advice on how to best support poverty analysis and monitoring in Angola in general and in particular with regard to the role of civil society.
- to make a brief overview of the present and emerging situation with regard to poverty and wealth in Angola.