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Lise Rakner and Lars Svåsand (2003). Uncertainty as a strategy: Electoral processes in Zambia 1991-2001. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 2003:13)

Zambia has held three multiparty elections since its restoration of democracy in 1991. This peaceful transition raised expectations of a smooth process towards democratic consolidation. But similar to experiences from other African countries and Eastern Europe, the Zambian democratic process has remained stuck in a 'transitional zone' between actual democracy and authoritarian systems. We argue that Zambian elections fall short of the expectations of a democratic process due to the institutional uncertainty surrounding elections and the weakness of the Zambian Electoral Commission. Despite an alarming economic record the continued uncertainty - of the rules and regulations guiding elections and electoral administration - has maintained the same party in power through three consecutive elections.

Lise Rakner

Professor at University of Bergen and Associated Research Professor