Lise Rakner
Current projects

Rights Activism under Political Uncertainty (RightAct)
Completed projects

Breaking BAD: Understanding the Backlash Against Democracy in Africa

Democratisation, Political Participation, and Gender in Malawi

Litigating the Right to Health

Elections and Democracy in Africa

Research and Institutional Development Links between CMI and SEAPREN

Norms and standards of electoral processes in Southern Africa

Political instiutions in Africa: Zambia, Malawi and Uganda compared

The institutional context of the 2004 general elections in Malawi

Checking the State: the Role of Special Institutions of Restraint

Understanding Patterns of Accountability in Tanzania

Political Institutions in Africa. The Quest for Democratic Accountability

The role of supreme audit institutions in Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda

The Political Economy of the Budget in Malawi

The participatory aspects of poverty reduction strategies in Malawi and Zambia

Political developments and the 2001 general elections in Zambia

Multiparty elections in Africa's new democracies
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Political scientist focusing on democratisation and human rights, economic reform, taxation, institutional change and international aid, with a particular emphasis on Southern and Eastern Africa.
Political scientist focusing on the issues of democratisation and human rights, economic reform, taxation, institutional change and international aid, with a particular emphasis on Southern and Eastern Africa.
Her current research interests concern electoral administration and party developments in Sub-Saharan Africa and more generally the relationship between political and economic processes of reform, accountability and the development of political institutions.
Rakner has served as consultant for NORAD, SIDA, DFID, the World Bank, and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As of September 2006, Rakner works as a Professor of Comparative Politics (50 %) at the University of Bergen.