SADC's Restructuring and Emerging Policies. Options for Norwegian Support
How to cite this publication:
Elling N. Tjønneland, Jan Isaksen and Garth le Pere (2005). SADC's Restructuring and Emerging Policies. Options for Norwegian Support. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2005: 7)
In 2001 SADC approved an ambitious program for a major overhaul of the organisation. Through institutional reform SADC hoped to establish a more efficient Head Office and Secretariat which could provide stronger leadership, ensure a more regionally focused programme of action, and close the gap between policies and implementation. Norway was major donor behind this process and provided a de facto core funding the restructuring. The present report was commissioned by the Norwegian Embassy in Harare. The Embassy is responsible for managing Norwegian assistance to the SADC Secretariat in Gaborone. The report sets out to take stock of what has been achieved in terms of reforming SADC and developing a new programme of action in all areas of SADC's operation. This provides a basis for discussing and making recommendations for continued Norwegian support to the organisation and its objectives.