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Jan Isaksen and Carlos Rafa Mate (2005). Micro and Small-scale Industry. Development in Cabo Delgado Province in Mozambique. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2005: 10)

This report sets out the background, analyses, conclusions and recommendations from a review of a project on Micro and Small-scale Industry Development in Cabo Delgado Province in Mozambique (UNIDO Project number TF/MOZ/01/001). The objective of the Project is to "improve institutional capacities for small-scale industry development in Cabo Delgado Province at the Provincial and District Authorities, and in the private sector" Under an agreement signed in early 2002 the Project will be implemented by UNIDO and financed by the Norwegian Government. The key project partners are the Cabo Delgado Provincial Government and the Mozambican Ministry of Industry and Trade. The field work for the report took place in and around Pemba (the provincial capital of Cabo Delgado) around the middle of October 2004. The team included a representative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Mozambique, a representative from the Norwegian Embassy in Maputo and an independent consultant. Field support was given by UNIDO.