Shady traffic: Part three: Review of the portefolio supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on combating trafficking in human beings
As a response to the growing international and national focus on combating human trafficking, Norway developed its first action plan on trafficking for the period 2003-2005, succeeded by another one to cover the period of 2005-2008 which was replaced by yet another for 2006-2009. A number of ministries and governmental agencies are involved in the implementation of the Action Plan, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) is responsible for supporting initiatives and efforts taken internationally and within the framework of development cooperation. The MFA's main responsibility is to support prevention, protection and reintegration of victims; support the development of knowledge and evidence; promote interdisciplinary cooperation; and strengthen international frameworks and cooperation. Children are considered a priority group and should receive special attention in supported programs and activities.
In early 2008 the MFA commissioned a review of the Norwegian project portfolio on trafficking in human beings. The review was divided into three parts and three separate reports; part one, an external overview of international trends on human trafficking; part two, a Norad desk study of the MFA project portfolio to identify the main patterns of support; and part three, an external review of a sample of projects/partners with a main focus on results and lessons learned. This report is part three of the review.
According to the Terms of Reference (ToR), the main aim of part three was to document results, lessons learned and replicability with a view towards informing future program decisions.
This review confirms that trafficking in human beings is a multidimensional and transnational problem which demands holistic and long-term responses. The national government plays a key role in changing policies and implementing projects. Other partners, including both international and NGOs as well as people in the local communities, in particular children and youth, are important participants in addressing this serious form of human rights abuse. Although women and girls often constitute the majority of the victims, it is important to integrate gender analysis into the situation analysis at the basis of any programming. A great deal of flexibility of programming will allow for the appropriate target groups, new issues and gaps to be identified and included as the trafficking trends change. A multidimensional approach to programming creates synergies when the different components and levels are linked, as found in several of the projects reviewed here.