The special issue included the following articles:

1. "Exploring the relationship between democratization and gender quota policies in Africa" (Ragnhild Muriaas, Liv Tønnessen and Vibeke Wang)

2. "The effect of gender quota laws on the election of women: Lessons from Niger" (alice Kang)

3. "Gender quotas, democracy and women's representation in Africa: Some insights from democratic Botswana and autocratic Rawanda" (Gretchen Bauer and Jennie Burnet)

4. "Women changing policy outcomes: Learning from pro-women legislation in the Ugandian parliament" (Vibeke Wang)

5. "The women's quota in conflict ridden Sudan: ideological battles for and against gender equality" (Liv Tønnessen and Samia al-Nagar)

6. "Special seats for women in parliament and democratization: The case of Tanzania" (Mi Yung Yoon)

7. "The reversed contagion effect: Explaining the uneveness of women's representation across South African municipalities" (Ragnhild Muriaas and Happy Kayuni)

8. "Gender quotas and democracy: Insights from Africa and beyond" (Mona Lena Krook)

Liv Tønnessen

Director of Center on Law and Social Transformation and Senior Researcher

Vibeke Wang

Research Director and Senior Researcher