Vibeke Wang
Current projects

U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre

The Cost of Doing Politics: Gender Aspects of Political Violence
Completed projects

Breaking BAD: Understanding the Backlash Against Democracy in Africa

Money Talks: Electoral Financing of Women

Symbolic Representation of Women in Africa and Beyond

Democratisation, Political Participation, and Gender in Malawi

Legislating Marriages: Family Law Reform & Democratization in African and Asia

Aid to transitional justice

PRSP and Parliaments

Understanding Patterns of Accountability in Tanzania

The role of supreme audit institutions in Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda
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Political scientist whose research focuses on politics and gender
Vibeke Wang is the Research Director for the Poverty & Global Health research group and for the Tax & Public Finance research group.
Her research concerns questions of politics and gender with a focus on political representation, political recruitment, violence, rights mobilization and law reform in the Global South.
Wang has a long track record of conducting field research in a number of Sub-Saharan African countries, including Cape Verde, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. She has published widely, including in journals such as Comparative Political Studies, International Political Science Review, Politics & Gender, Political Studies, Representation, and Journal of Modern African Studies.
Wang uses both quantitative and qualitative methods in her work and has been involved in multiple projects funded by the Research Council of Norway. Currently she is the PI of the FRIPRO funded research project The Cost of Doing Politics: Gender Aspects of Political Violence and a member of the the ERC funded research project Gender-Gap in Political Endurance. She is an Affiliated Scholar in the Program on Governance and Local Development at the University of Gothenburg.