ROUNDTABLE: Prospects for reconciliation? Norway’s Truth Commission in an age of Sámi mobilization
The Norwegian Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) has recently concluded its investigation of the historical wrongs committed against the indigenous Sámi and three national minority groups in Norway (the Kven, Norwegian Finns, and Forest Finns), and the long-term negative implications of state policies of forced assimilation. After five years of work, the TRC handed over its final report to the Norwegian Parliament on 1st June. The expectations for the report’s findings and recommendations were high in Norwegian society. In this roundtable we invite a Sámi politician and two young artists to discuss the findings and recommendations made by the Norwegian TRC and to reflect on the prospects for reconciliation in a turbulent time of Sámi mobilization and contestation.
Participants: Anne Henriette Nilut, Sámi Parliament; Sondre Pettersen (Sámi artist); Julie Felizia Sara-Skree, Bergen Sámi Society.
Moderator: Elin Skaar, CMI.