Queerphobia has become an issue of political contestation across the world. Transnational groups and governments, including those in Western countries influenced by leaders like Trump, mobilise against LGBTQ+ rights using rhetoric that claims gender non-conformity would somehow undermine the family and corrupt children.

Queer identities and practices are, therefore, increasingly subject to (re)criminalisation and political hostility. Queer activists have to develop strategies and adapt to complex political landscapes.

How do queer activists manoeuvre “anti-gender” narratives that seek to erase their existence, while curtailing their socio-political participation? What strategies do queer activists and allies adopt and to what extent are they successful?

Presentation by Ayo Sogunro (author, essayist and human rights lawyer) followed by discussion with Matthew Gichohi (Post Doctoral Researcher, CMI) and Liv Tønnessen (Senior researcher, CMI).

The seminar is part of the RDV series, a collaboration between the Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism and the Centre on Law and Social Transformation at the University of Bergen. The RDV-webinar series is an interdisciplinary webinar where national and international researchers are invited to talk about their pioneering research on topics regarding law, democracy, and welfare. It is also part of the PhD course on Gendered Autocratization at the Department of Government, UiB.