Legislating Marriages: Family Law Reform and Democratization in Africa and Asia
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The themes addressed in the seminar and workshop:
- How can we explain (the lack of) legal reforms toward gender equality within marriage in Africa and Asia?
- Under what conditions do democratisation/political transitions strengthen women’s equal rights within family laws, and when do they cause setbacks as the recent cases following the Arab spring might suggest?
If you would like to participate, please let us know as soon as possible and submit a 200-word abstract no later than 15 June, to Vibeke Wang
Deadline for papers 31 October 2014.
Papers should be about 6000 words.
Travel and accommodation costs of selected applicants will be funded by the organizers:
• Lovise Aalen (PhD), Chr. Michelsen Institute, Bergen.
• Ragnhild L. Muriaas (PhD), Dept. of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen.
• Liv Tønnessen (PhD), Chr. Michelsen Institute, Bergen.
• Vibeke Wang (PhD), Chr. Michelsen Institute, Bergen.