How to cite this publication:

Inge Tvedten (1996). Angola og norsk bistand. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 1996:2)

Angola is currently passing through a political, economic and social crisis deeper than in most other African countries. The MPLA government and the former rebel movement UNITA signed a peace agreement in Lusaka in November 1994, but peace and reconstruction are still not secured. Whereas previous international involvement in Angola has had mainly negative effects through colonialism and Cold War, emergency and development aid has increased substantially after the renewed outbreak of war in 1992 when UNITA lost in democratic elections. Also Norway's development aid to Angola has increased considerably. With NOK 182 million in 1995, Angola is the fourth largest recipient of Norwegian aid in Africa. This report outlines the political, economic and social situation in Angola, and discusses international and Norwegian aid to the country. It is argued that Norway should continue its involvement in Angola, also beyond the current emergency interventions, by making it a country of priority. The report was commissioned by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This report is available in Norwegian only.