Sarah A Tobin
Completed projects

The Invisible Ceiling

Urban Displacement, Development and Donor Policies in the Middle East (URBAN3DP)

TRAFIG Transnational Figurations of Displacement

Assisting Regional Universities in Sudan (ARUS)

Performance-based financing of health services in Tanzania

ARUSS: Assisting regional universities in Sudan and South Sudan
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Anthropologist focusing on Islam, economic anthropology, and displacement/migration in the Middle East and East Africa.
Sarah Tobin’s work explores transformations in religious and economic life, identity construction, and personal piety. She also examines the intersections with gender, Islamic authority and normative Islam, public ethics, and Islamic authenticity. Ethnographically, her work has focused to a large degree on Islamic piety in the economy, especially Islamic Banking and Finance. Dr. Tobin also explore these questions in times of economic shifts, such as during Ramadan, in contested fields of consumption such as the hijab, and the Arab Spring.
Her latest research projects examine these questions with Syrian refugees in Jordanian camps of Za`atari, Azraq, and Cyber City, and in Results-Based Financing in Tanzania.
Dr. Tobin’s recent books are Everyday Piety: Islam and Economy in Jordan (Cornell University Press, 2016) and The Politics of the Headscarf in the United States with Bozena C. Welborne, Aubrey L. Westfall, Ozge Celik-Russell.
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