NTB/Reuters/Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah

Assisting Regional Universities in Sudan (ARUS)


How to write a Policy Brief

5 steps to a good policy brief

Online resource

Transitional Justice in Sudan

Four short modules on transitional justice in general and in the context of Sudan.

Online resource

Youth Inclusion

Liv Tønnessen

Director of Center on Law and Social Transformation and Senior Researcher

Lovise Aalen

Research Professor

Tineke Lohne

Senior Administration and Finance Adviser

Sarah A Tobin

Research Professor

Munzoul Assal

Professor, cluster leader, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Khartoum, Scholar at risk, CMI

Abdel Ghaffar Ahmed

Professor of Development Studies, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, University of Khartoum

Leif Manger

Professor emeritus, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen

Sudan Reports and Working Papers

Books and Book Chapters

Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)

Other publications

The Assisting Regional Universities in Sudan (ARUS) is a collaboration between CMI, the University of Bergen and national and regional universities in Sudan. The programme aims to strengthen the competencies of regional universities to conduct high quality research on development challenges and based on such research target stakeholders to propose policy changes. As part of the program, research is carried our on a range of topics of relevance for Sudan’s transitional government, including gender equality and women’s empowerment, youth mobilization, refugees, border control and human trafficking, food security and urbanization.  Hosted by Ahfad University for Women, the ARUS programme targets seven universities which have historically been politically, culturally and economically marginalized. These include: Nyala, Red Sea, Kassala, Gedarif, Diling , Sennar and Blue Nile. The ARUS programme is funded by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Khartoum for the period 2018-2022.