Six new CMI projects get funding from the Research Council of Norway
We got great news this morning! CMI has been granted funding for five new projects from the Research Council of Norway. These five new projects come in addition to a KSP-project (Kompetanse- og samarbeidsprosjekt) we got earlier this week.
-We are proud and humbled to receive these grants. CMI continues to punch above its weight in this competition. This is the result of hard work by many people across the organization, also many who did not receive funding for their project in this round. The collegial spirit that we draw on in these processes is extremely valuable, says Ottar Mæstad, director at CMI.
More information about the projects and the outputs will follow as the researchers get going, so keep an eye on our website and social media to learn more about the topics, people and research questions. For now, here's the list of our new Research Council projects:
Successful Advances in Fiscal ARchItecture (SAFARI): Evidence from a new tax in Zanzibar
Nadja Dwenger, project leader.
Truth commissions and sexual violence: African and Latin American experiences
Elin Skaar, project leader.
Gender, Islam and transnational legal orderings in post-US Afghanistan
Astri Suhrke, project leader.
Prioritising the displacement-environment nexus: Refugee and IDP settlements as social-ecological systems
Anwesha Dutta, project leader.
God, grievance, and greed? Understanding Northern Mozambique's new Islamist war
Liazzat Bonate, project leader.
The invisible ceiling: Muslim immigrant entrepreneurs navigate Norway's financial environment (KSP-project)
Sarah Tobin, project leader.