Team members participate in Conference on Financial Environment for Refugees and Immigrant Communities: Islamic Finance in Action
On March 2nd and 3rd PI Sarah Tobin along with Professor Mehmet Asutay and Mari Norbakk have participated at the Conference on Financial Environment for Refugees and Immigrant Communities: Islamic Finance in Action at the Al-Maktoum College for Higher Education in Dundee.
Professor Tobin presented a paper on Syrian Refugee Entrepreneurs challenges in financing entrepreneurial activities in Norway; and the gap between the socio-economic needs they express and the guidance offered by Norwegian Imams. Dr. Norbakk presented a paper exploring the clashing economic spheres that entrepreneurs operate in as they try to balance their moral considerations and the Norwegian business culture. Professor Asutay has served on the organizational committee alongside Ass. Professor Alija Avdukic from Al-Maktoum College. The Invisible Ceiling teammembers presented on a panel where the Norwegian Muslim entrepreneurship case was compared to the Scottish case.