Report in External Series
| 2016
Reality Checks Mozambique. Final Report 2011-2015
Stockholm: Sida
Portuguese version: Constatações da Realidade em Moçambique. Relatório Final 2011-2015
This is the Final Report, summing up and analysing the entire Reality Check series of studies. In line with the main objective/idea of the series, is based on qualitative information and data or “poor people’s perspectives on development in order to capture the multidimensionality of poverty, offer insights into causal processes and allow for a triangulation of information from different sources” (Swedish Embassy 2010/ToR) – using the quantitative data collected in 2011 and 2015 to validate the processes/dynamics described/analysed.

Reality Checks in Mozambique 2011-2016
Apr 2011 - May 2016