CMI Working Papers
CMI Working Paper | 1997
Underdevelopment and labour migration: the contract labour system in Namibia
This volume reproduces, with minor changes, a set of previously published papers on the history of the origins, formation and evolution of the contract labour system in Namibia from first...
Richard Moorsom (1997)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 1997:10)
CMI Working Paper | 1997
A review of game theoretic models of fishing
Game theory is a formal tool for analysing strategic interaction between a finite number of agents. The fact that usually more than one entity or agent has propert rights to...
Ussif Rashid Sumaila (1997)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 1997:9) 19 p.
CMI Working Paper | 1997
Can national identity be built on local democracy?
In Ethiopia, with 85% of the population in agriculture, most of them illiterate, democratisation has to work against adverse experience: Peasants can refer back to democratic traditions on local level....
Siegfried Pausewang (1997)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 1997:8)
CMI Working Paper | 1997
State-local community games of forest land appropriation
This paper explores possible strategic interactions between the state and local community in games of tropical forest land appropriation. Two key questions are addressed. First, how does the structure of...
Arild Angelsen (1997)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 1997:7) 32 p.
CMI Working Paper | 1997
The evolution of private property rights in traditional agriculture: Theories and a study from Indonesia
The starting point of this paper is a universally observed tendency of common property to be replaced by private property in traditional agriculture. The paper seeks to explore the forces...
Arild Angelsen (1997)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 1997:6) 40 p.
CMI Working Paper | 1997
Terms of trade and economic growth in a world of constrained capital mobility
This paper focuses on the interaction between world community and capital markest within the framework of an extended neoclassical growth model. The model incorporates raw materials as an essential input...
Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås (1997)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 1997:5)
CMI Working Paper | 1997
Teoriskapt virkelighet? Ny-klassisk teori og kvinnelige økonomiske aktører
Kjønnsaspektet er generelt sett fraværende i økonomiske analyser. Fraværet er tradisjonelt blitt oppfattet som en refleksjon av de økonomiske problemstillingenes og den økonomiske teoriens kjønnsnøytralitet, men er i den senere...
Turid Bøe (1997)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 1997:4)
CMI Working Paper | 1997
Evolutionary game theory and the battle of the sexes
This paper presents an outline of different approaches wthin evolutionary game theory and sees these approaches in relation to the problem of choosing among multiple equilibria in normal form games....
Turid Bøe (1997)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 1997:3)
CMI Working Paper | 1997
Share-tenancy within the household unit
Virtually all peasant household models assume efficient allocation of household productive resources between different household activities. In an African context characterised by different plots of land being cultivated and controlled...
Turid Bøe (1997)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 1997:2)
CMI Working Paper | 1997
Strategic dynamics interaction: The case of Barents Sea fisheries
This paper develops a bioeconomic model for two Barents Sea fisheries that attempts to capture the predator-prey relationships between cod and capelin, the two main species in the habitat. The...
Ussif Rashid Sumaila (1997)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 1997:1) 30 p.
CMI Working Paper | 1996
Tax evasion and corruption in local governments in Tanzania: Alternative economic approaches
The primary concern of the paper is to discuss the role of various economic factors in explaining the mechanisms and degree of fiscal corruption and tax evasion in local governments...
Odd-Helge Fjeldstad (1996)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 1996:14)
CMI Working Paper | 1996
Dealing with the good and the evil. Introducing morality as an antropological concern
Questions of morality and ethics - good and evil - have not been anthropological favourites. Such issues have been addressed within certain applied environments as well as currently within American...
Dag Jørund Lønning (1996)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 1996:13) 27 p.
CMI Working Paper | 1996
Trade and growth with static and dynamic economies of scale
This paper develops a dynamic two-country, two-sector model of international trade with asymmetric technological spillovers, static increasing returns to scale in one sector and dynamic increasing returns to scale in...
Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås (1996)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 1996:12)
CMI Working Paper | 1996
Deforestation and entrpeneurship in the North West Frontier Province, Pakistan
Deforestation is a global environment concern, but the underlying processes vary across regions and countries. In Pakistan the threat to forests and biodiversity does not come primarily from local farmers,...
Are Knudsen (1996)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 1996:11) 16 p.
CMI Working Paper | 1996
Debt and deforestation: A tenuous link
This paper examines the hypothesis that heavy foreign debt causes high rates of tropical deforestation. Empirical evidence indicates that no universally valid link exists between debt and deforestation - in...
Arild Angelsen (1996)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 1996:10)
CMI Working Paper | 1996
Deforestation: Population or market driven? Different approaches in modelling agricultural expansion
The debate on causes of and remedies for tropical deforestation is often confused because the underlying assumptions of the arguments are not made explicit. This paper compares four different modelling...
Arild Angelsen (1996)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 1996:9)
CMI Working Paper | 1996
'Eneweyay' (Let's Discuss)
Report of a project to teach principles of democracy in a "down-to-earth" way, through discussions with rural and urban people in Ethiopia. The "Ecumenical Training Initiative for Democracy" developed before...
Siegfried Pausewang (1996)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 1996:8)
CMI Working Paper | 1996
Economic analysis of land degradation in Indonesia upland
The objective of this research is to determine factors affecting land degradation in the upland in Indonesia, and to suggest appropriate policies regarding land-use. The regression results indicate that about...
Bustanul Arifin (1996)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 1996:7)
CMI Working Paper | 1996
Rational choice and the problem of institutions. A discussion of rational choice institutionalism and its application by Robert Bates
The paper discusses and reviews various directions within new institutional economics. A central question of concern is whether theories of institutionalism based within rational choice reasoning provide a theoretical basis...
Lise Rakner (1996)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 1996:6)
CMI Working Paper | 1996
Political institutions and economic reform: Zambia and South Africa in comparative context
This paper presents the theoretical and methodological framework of a joint research project by Lise Rakner and Tor Skålnes, "Political Liberalisation and Economic reform in Southern Africa". The project consists...
Lise Rakner and Tor Skålnes (1996)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 1996:5)