Anthology: Shared Responsibilities - Human Rights and Development in the 21st Century
Timeframe: Jan 2006 - Jun 2007
Taking as its point of departure duties and responsibilities essential to the alleviation of poverty, people-centred development and the exercise of fundamental human rights, this anthology examines and provides a new perspective on the scope and nature of international human rights obligations. The introductory contributions discuss and seek to establish the scope and content of international legal standards and norms that emanate from various human rights instruments with special reference to the realisation of economic and social rights. This first section provides the overarching framework and emerging issues, contextualising the key themes of the anthology. Subsequent chapters address central North-South issues (and other rich country-poor country cleavages) such as challenges to development co-operation (e.g. the shift in attention from development to security, policy incoherence); guidelines for aid agencies with a view to informing their policies and practice with human rights thinking; the extension of human rights responsibility to other actors (businesses, international financial institutions); and the critical issue of human rights and international trade. This part also includes a practitioner's perspective on the issues. The third part of the anthology comprises empirical case studies assessing the application of standards and norms in action. These case studies are drawn from different regions of the world and address critical issues such as HIV/AIDS, food, access to justice and indigenous rights.

Human Rights Programme
Jan 1983 - Dec 2010