Report in External Series
| 2016
Reality Checks Mozambique. Annual Report 2015. Quantitative Expressions of Poverty and Well-Being 2011-2015
Stockholm: Sida (Reality Checks Mozambique 2011-2015)
Portuguese version: Constatações da Realidade em Moçambique. Relatório Anual 2015. Expressões Quantitativas de Pobreza e Bem-Estar 2011-2015
This is the Annual Report for the 5th Reality Check, synthesising the main findings from the sub-reports on Cuamba, Lago and Majune. Fieldwork was carried out in October 2015. The focus in this report is on the quantitative expressions of poverty and well-being in the three study sites, as these appeared through the Reality Check Baseline (2011) and Endline (2015) surveys.

Reality Checks in Mozambique 2011-2016
Apr 2011 - May 2016