Journal Article
| 2024
Forum: Critical ethnography
Ethnography is a political practice with an ambivalent relationship to power. On the one hand, it has benefitted from, legitimized and stabilized hegemonic power relations. On the other hand, it can challenge the self-evidence of the status quo, give room for multiple experiences and worldviews, and place itself in the service of emancipation and social transformation. The forum does not define what critical ethnography is but brings together a range of theoretical perspectives and modalities by which ethnography unfolds critical potential.
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Julia Leser
Humboldt-University Berlin
Katarina Kusic
Kristin Anabel Eggeling
André Weißenfels
Andreas Streinzer
Ryan Davey
Johanna Kocks
Felix Anderl
Lena Merkle
Anna Leander
Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies