Hugo Stokke is no longer affiliated with CMI.

Journal Article | 2006
Human Rights as a Mechanism for Integration in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Hugo Stokke (2006)
in International Journal on Minority and Group Rights vol. 13 no. 2 pp. 263-284

Journal Article | 2001
Vesten i Østen
(Bokessay om Daniel A. Bell: East meets West. Human rights and democracy in East Asia. Princeton Univ. Press, 2000)
Hugo Stokke (2001)
in Mennesker og rettigheter vol. 19 no. 3 pp. 64-71

Journal Article | 1993
Asias gamle (og unge) drager
Article appraising the growth and development of three countries in the Southeast Asian region: Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia
Hugo Stokke (1993)
in Tidens Tegn vol. 1 no. 1 pp. 36-38

Edited Book | 2005
Writing Rights: Human Rights Research at the Chr. Michelsen Institute 1984-2004
Human rights are currently an important area of research at the Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI), as they have been for the past 20 years. This anthology contains nine articles reflecting...
Ivar Kolstad and Hugo Stokke, eds. (2005)
Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 208 p.

Edited Book | 2001
Human rights in development. Yearbook 1999/2000. The millennium edition
The yearbook is an on-going project between a number of research institutes, mostly in Europe. The edition is the 12th in the series. It contains artiles on the universiality of...
Hugo Stokke, Arne Tostensen (eds.) (2001)
The Hague: Kluwer Law International/ Nordic Human Rights Publications 260 p.

Edited Book | 1999
Human Rights in Development. Yearbook 1998. Global Perspectives and Local Issues
The yearbook is an on-going project between a number of research institutes, mostly in Europe. The edition is the 11th in the series. It contains articles on national human rights...
Hugo Stokke and Arne Tostensen (eds.) (1999)
The Hague/Oslo: Kluwer Law International/Nordic Human Rights Publications 266 p.

Edited Book | 1998
Human Rights in Developing Countries. Yearbook 1997
The tenth in a series of yearbooks, this edition contains articles on topical human rights issues as well as surveys of individual countries. A new feature is that more attention...
Hugo Stokke, Astri Suhrke and Arne Tostensen (eds.) (in cooperation with Øystein Rygg Haanæs) (1998)
The Hague/Oslo: Kluwer Law International/ Nordic Human Rights Publ 440 p.

Book Chapter | 2014
Means, modes and methods: Donor Support strategies for child rights in Kenya
Arne Tostensen, Hugo Stokke, Sven Trygged (2014)
in Paul Gready and Wouter Vandenhole: Human rights and development in the new millennium. Oxford: Routledge pp. 70-90

Book Chapter | 2014
Standardised practice - From international labour standards to development practice
Hugo Stokke (2014)
in Paul Gready and Wouter Vandenhole: Human Rights and Development in the new Millennium. London: Routledge pp. 195-213

Book Chapter | 2014
Rethinking social citizenship: the case of the Finnmark Act
Hugo Stokke (2014)
in Henriette Sinding Aasen, Siri Gloppen, Anne-Mette Magnussen, Even Nilssen: Juridification and Social Citizenship in the Welfare State. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar

Book Chapter | 2014
Some cross-cutting issues and their policy implications
W. Vandenhole, C. Lennox, P. Gready, H. Stokke (2014)
in Paul Gready and Wouter Vandenhole : Human Rights and Development in the New Millennium. London: Routledge

Book Chapter | 2013
Nordic Multiculturalism: Commonalities and Differences
The five Nordic countries may be thought of as quite similar in many ways so that we would expect commonalities rather than differences among them. In order to test this...
Hugo Stokke (2013)
in Debating Multiculturalism in the Nordic Welfare States.

Book Chapter | 2007
Conditional Partners? Human Rights in EU-ACP Relations
Hugo Stokke (2007)
in Margot E. Salomon, Arne Tostensen, Wouter Vandenhole (Eds.) : Casting the Net Wider: Human Rights, Development and New Duty-Bearers. Antwerp: Intersentia pp. 125-149

Book Chapter | 2005
What is Left of State Responsibility? Turning State Obligations into State Responsibilities in the Field of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Hugo Stokke (2005)
in Martin Scheinin and Markku Suksi, eds.: Human Rights in Development Yearbook 2002. Empowerment, Participation, Accountability and Non-discrimination: Operationalising a Human Rights-based Approach to Development. Leiden/Boston/Bergen: Martinus Nijhoff Publ./ Nordic Human Rights Publications pp. 37-70

Book Chapter | 2005
Rights with Bite: 20 Years of Human Rights Research at the Chr. Michelsen Institute
Ivar Kolstad and Hugo Stokke (2005)
in Ivar Kolstad and Hugo Stokke, eds,: Writing Rights: Human Rights Research at the Chr.Michelsen Institute 1984-2004. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget pp. 1-1282-4500302-6

Book Chapter | 2005
Compliance with Economic and Social Human Rights: Realistic Evaluations and Monitoring in the Light of Immediate Obligations
Bård-Anders Andreassen; Alan G. Smith and Hugo Stokke (2005)
in Ivar Kolstad and Hugo Stokke, eds.: Writing Rights: Human Rights Research at the Chr.Michelsen Institute 1984-2004. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget pp. 131-147

Book Chapter | 2001
Reasonable discrimination? Affirming access to higher education in Malaysia
Hugo Stokke (2001)
in Human rights in development. Yearbook 1999/2000. The millennium edition. The Hague: Kluwer Law International/ Nordic Human Rights Publ pp. 189-214

Book Chapter | 2000
Modernization without westernization? Asian values and human rights discourse in east and west
Hugo Stokke (2000)
in Michael Jacobsen and Ole Bruun: Human rights and Asian values: Contesting national identities and cultural representations in Asia. Richmond: Curzon pp. 134-158

Book Chapter | 1999
From Norm to Action: Standard-setting and Technical Co-operation in the Field of Child Labour
The article discusses the International Programme for the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) of the ILO in light of theories about organisations and their environments. Empirical examples are drawn from...
Hugo Stokke (1999)
in Stokke, Hugo & Arne Tostensen (eds.): Human Rights in Development. Yearbook 1998. The Hague/ Oslo: Kluwer Law International/ Nordic Human Rights Publ pp. 137-176

Book Chapter | 1994
The chapter gives a broad overview of the state and trends of human rights in Pakistan up to 1993. It covers both civil and political rights and economic, social and...
Hugo Stokke (1994)
in Peter Baehr et al. (eds.): Human rights in developing countries. Yearbook 1994. Deventer- Boston/ Oslo: Kluwer Law and Tax Public./Nordic Human Rights Pub pp. 287-340

Book Chapter | 1994
Asiatiske identiteter: stat og nasjon i Sørøst Asia
The chapter discusses how the five main countries of Southeast Asia have handled the pressures of rapid economic growth and ethnic relations. Has growth and development contributed towards a greater...
Hugo Stokke and Tor Skålnes (1994)
in Gjerdåker, Svein, Tor Skålnes & Terje Tvedt: Nasjonalstaten under press?. Bergen/ Oslo: CMI/ Cappelen pp. 259-279

Book Chapter | 1993
The chapter gives an overview of the state and trends of human rights in Nepal up to 1992. It covers the full range of rights from civil and political rights...
Hugo Stokke (1993)
in Bård-Anders Andreassen & Theresa Swinehart (eds.): Human rights in developing countries. Yearbook 1993. Oslo: Nordic Human Rights Publications pp. 254-303

Book Chapter | 1993
Medlemmene og de andre
The article is a chapter in a book on international migration. The article discusses two theoretical approaches, liberalism and communitarianism, to the question of membership, particularly how members deal with...
Hugo Stokke (1993)
in Suhrke, Astri & Svein Gjerdåker(eds.): Dagens folkevandringer. Berører de oss?. Bergen/ Oslo: CMI/ Cappelen pp. 244-262

Book Chapter | 1992
Complicance with economic and social human rights: Realistic evaluations and monitoring in the light of immediate obligations
The book chapter presents an analytical approach which contributes to a realistic framework for examining economic and social rights, even under conditions of perceived scarcity of available resources and limited...
Bård-Anders Andreassen, Alan G. Smith and Hugo Stokke (1992)
in Eide, Asbjørn & Bernt Hagtvet (eds.) : Human rights in perspective. A global assessment. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers pp. 252-267

Book Chapter | 1992
The article gives a comprehensive overview of the state of human rights and recent trends in India. The article covers civil and political as well as economic and social rights...
Hugo Stokke (1992)
in Andreassen, Bård-Anders & Theresa Swinehart (eds.): Human rights in developing countries 1991. A yearbook on human rights in countries receiving aid from the Nordic countries, the Netherlands and Canada. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press pp. 144-189

Report in External Series | 2016
More than just talk? A literature review on promoting human rights through political dialogue
Hugo Stokke (2016)
Oslo: Norad (Evaluation study)

Report in External Series | 2011
Supporting child rights. Synthesis of lessons learned in four countries
This evaluation was commissioned jointly by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) with the dual purpose of: (a) summarising results achieved...
Arne Tostensen, Hugo Stokke, Sven Trygged and Kate Halvorsen (2011)
Stockholm: Sida (Joint Evaluation no. 2011:1) 258 p.

Report in External Series | 2011
Supporting child rights: Synthesis of lessons learned in four countries
This evaluation was commissioned jointly by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) with the dual purpose of: (a) summarising results achieved...
Arne Tostensen, Hugo Stokke, Sven Trygged and Kate Halvorsen (2011)
(Available from Sida)

Report in External Series | 2009
External review of the project on the study of China's regional national autonomy system (2003-2008)
The China Autonomy Programme (CAP) of the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights has aimed to study ways and means for protecting and promoting the interests of the national minority population...
Hugo Stokke and Lihong Huang (2009)
(Norad collected reviews) 46 p.

Report in External Series | 2009
Shady traffic: Part three: Review of the portefolio supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on combating trafficking in human beings
As a response to the growing international and national focus on combating human trafficking, Norway developed its first action plan on trafficking for the period 2003-2005, succeeded by another one...
Kate Halvorsen and Hugo Stokke (2009)
Oslo: Norad (Norad report no. 2c/2009) 58 p.

Commissioned Report | 2008
Thematic Review of Special Interventions in Support of Human Rights and Democratisation: Desk Review 2008,
Johan Helland, Arne Tostensen, Trine Eide (2008)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute / Commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

Commissioned Report | 2008
Country Studies: Experiences of Human Rights and Democratisation Support to Zambia and Nepal. Zambia Country Study
Trine Eide and Arne Tostensen (2008)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute / Commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

Commissioned Report | 2008
Country Studies: Experiences of Human Rights and Democratisation Support to Zambia and Nepal. Nepal Country Study
Johan Helland and Hugo Stokke (2008)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute / Commissioned by the Ministry Foreign Affairs of Denmark

Commissioned Report | 2002
A Rights-based approach to (Norwegian) development assistance. A discussion paper commissioned by the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Tone Bleie, Siri Gloppen, Alf Morten Jerve, Hugo Stokke and Bertil tungodden (2002)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute 24 p.

Report in External Series | 2000
Human rights and private enterprise: With an emphasis on companies operating abroad
The report was commissioned by the Research Council of Norway in order to provide a state of the art account of how to link human rights and private enterprises. The...
Hugo Stokke et al. (2000)
Oslo: Research Council of Norway 141 p.

CMI Report | 2015
Taking the inside or outside track – or both? NGO advocacy in state reporting under the Child Rights Convention: a case study from Kenya
This report forms part of a larger study titled Advancing the Rights of Children: Assessing the Effectiveness of Transnational Advocacy Networks for Child Rights. Norwegian-Kenyan Civil Society Partnerships Examined. It was conducted...
Hugo Stokke (2015)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2015:5) 28 p.

CMI Report | 2008
Keep on Talking! Review of the Nansen Dialogue Network in the Western Balkans
The review considered whether NDN activities have contributed to improved ethnic relations and to sustainable peace and reconciliation in the Western Balkans by promoting inter-ethnic dialogue. The review found that...
Vera Devine, Varja Nikolic, Hugo Stokke (2008)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2008: 16) 66 p.

CMI Report | 2007
Taking the Paris Principles to Asia. A study of Three Human Rights Commissions in Southeast Asia: Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines
The report studies three human rights commissions in Southeast Asia in light of the so-called Paris Principles. These principles are the authoritative guidelines for directing the work of national human...
Hugo Stokke (2007)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2007: 3) 23 p.

CMI Report | 2004
"Looking for Trouble ..."
The report was commissioned by the Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a team was put together comprising Helge Rønning and Kim Brice as external consultants and Hugo Stokke...
Kim Brice, Helge Rønning and Hugo Stokke (2004)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2004: 5) 106 p.

CMI Report | 2003
Review of the Nepal Human Rights Yearbook 1993-2002
NORAD has been supporting the Nepal Human Rights Yearbook for a decade, from the pilot issue in 1992 and up to the present date. The Yearbook has over the entire...
Hugo Stokke, Tone Kristin Sissener, Mukta S. Lama-Tamang (2003)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2003:5) 42 p.

CMI Report | 2002
A Review of Ireland Aid's Human Rights and Democratisation Scheme
In 1997, Ireland Aid (IA) established a Human Rights and Democratisation (HRD) scheme in order to assist projects outside IA's programme countries. Its broad objective is to assist the development...
Gunnar M. Sørbø, Elin Skaar and Hugo Stokke (2002)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2002:20) 45 p.

CMI Report | 1996
Collective identities and social movements
This report gives an overview of theories and approaches to the study of social identities, drawing on recent literature in the field. It argues that the study of social identities...
Hugo Stokke and Marit Tjomsland (1996)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 1996:1)

CMI Working Paper | 1996
Institutional approaches to the study of international organisation
This paper gives an overview of changes and shifts in the study of international organisation and notes that research has gradually moved away from the study of de facto organisations...
Hugo Stokke (1996)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 1996:1)

CMI Brief | 2017
Legal limits to tribal governance: coal mining in Meghalaya, India
Land in Meghalaya, India, was traditionally agricultural land, owned by the community. With increasing privatization and rising commercial value of land for non-agricultural use, many owners have sold the land...
Hugo Stokke (2017)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 16 no. 2) 4 p.

Doctoral Thesis | 2015
Decent work. Principles, Policies and Programmes of the International Labour Organisation
Hugo Stokke (2015)
University of Bergen 360 p.

Book Review | 2010
Charles Beitz and Robert E. Goodin (eds.): Global basic rights
Hugo Stokke (2010)
in Nordic Journal of Human Rights vol. 28 no. 2 pp. 289-292

Book Review | 2003
Book review: Bertil Dunér: The global human rights regime, Lund: Studentlitteratur
Hugo Stokke (2003)
in Mennesker og rettigheter vol. 21 no. 1

Conference Paper / Presentation | 2017
Taking the Paris Principles to Norway - Match or Mismatch
Presented at the Realizing Rights Conference, June 8 - 10, Univeristy of Ottawa, Canada
Hugo Stokke (2017)

Conference Paper / Presentation | 2014
Land rights in Meghalaya
Presentation at Conference on land rights in India at India International centre, New Delhi, 16-17 January 2014
Hugo Stokke (2014)

Juridification and Social Citizenship
Jan 2011 - Jan 2020
UiO-NCHR Mid-term review of international department ]
Oct 2018 - Jan 2019
Mid-term review of two human rights organisations in Tanzania
Jul 2015 - Sep 2015

The Role of the EU in UN Human Rights Reform (COST Action IS 0702)
Jan 2009 - Dec 2012

Joint Evaluation of Norwegian and Swedish Aid in Support of Child Rights
Feb 2010 - Dec 2010
Review of China's Regional National Autonomy System (2003-2008)
Feb 2009 - Sep 2009

Social exclusion, democratic inclusion and the insurgency in Nepal
Jul 2006 - Mar 2009
Shady Traffic. Review of Norwegian MFA portfolio on combating trafficking
Jul 2008 - Feb 2009
Review of DIHR partnership programmes
Jul 2005 - Dec 2005
Courts in transition
Jan 2005 - Dec 2005
Writing Rights: Human Rights Research at the Chr. Michelsen Institute 1984-2004
Jan 2004 - Dec 2004
Human Rights Commissions in Southeast Asia
Aug 2003 - Dec 2003
Human rights in Bosnia
Aug 2003 - Dec 2003
Evaluation of International Media Support
Jan 2003 - Dec 2003
Human Rights in Development Yearbook 2001
Jan 2001 - May 2003
Review of human rights yearbook in Nepal
Jan 2002 - Jan 2003
Evaluation of Ireland Aid's human rights and democratisation scheme
Jan 2002 - Dec 2002
Danish humanitarian assistance
Jan 1999 - Dec 1999