Camila Gianella is no longer affiliated with CMI.
Journal Article | 2022
Peru – Progress in health and sciences in 200 years of independence
Rodrigo M. Carrillo-Larco,Wilmer Cristobal Guzman-Vilca,Fabiola Leon-Velarde, Antonio Bernabe-Ortiz, Michelle Jimenez, Mary E.Penny, Camila Gianella, Mariana Leguía, Pablo Tsukayama, Stella M. Hartinger, Andres G. Lescano, María Sofía Cuba-Fuenteso, Yuri Cutipé, Francisco Diez- (2022)
in Lancet vol. 7
Journal Article | 2021
Comparing Experiences of Constitutional Reforms to Enshrine the Right to Water in Brazil, Colombia, and Peru: Opportunities and Limitations
In this paper we compare recent efforts towards the constitutionalization of the right to water in Brazil, Colombia, and Peru to understand the opportunities and limitations related to the attempts...
Lara Cortes, Camila Gianella, Angela M. Paez and catalina vallejo Piedrahita (2021)
in Water vol. 13 no. 24
Journal Article | 2021
Special issue: Abortion Lawfare in Latin America – Some Reading Keys For a Changing Scenario
This special issue brings together novel scholarship produced since 2013 by a project of similar name based at the Centre on Law & Social Transformation, Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI), the...
Catarina Barbieri, Camila Gianella, Maria Defago, Marta Machado (2021)
in Direito GV Law Review vol. 17 no. 3
Journal Article | 2020
What does COVID-19 tell us about the Peruvian health system?
Peru seemed well placed to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic as a country that had achieved sustained economic growth and moved towards achieving universal health coverage. However, Peru has one...
Camila Gianella, Jasmine Gideon, Maria José Romero (2020)
in Revue canadienne d'études du développement
Journal Article | 2020
¿Y la salud intercultural?: Lecciones desde la pandemia que no debemos olvidar(What about intercultural health?: Lessons from the pandemic that we should not forget, E a saúde intercultural: lições da pandemia que não devemos esquecer)
Those of us who work in indigenous health know that it is very common for Indigenous People or peasants to be represented as guilty for their health problems. Such representations...
Maria Amalia Pesantes,Camila Gianella (2020)
in Mundo Amazónico vol. 11 no. 2 pp. 93-110
Journal Article | 2019
Vulnerable populations and the right to health: lessons from the Peruvian Amazon around tuberculosis control
In 2014 the World Health Organization (WHO) launched the “End TB Strategy”, setting new ambitious goals for elimination of tuberculosis (TB). In contrast with previous efforts to control TB, the...
Camila Gianella (2019)
in International Journal for Equity in Health vol. 18 no. 1 pp. 1-13
Journal Article | 2019
Overcoming the Limits of Legal Opportunity Structures: LGBT Rights’ Divergent Paths in Costa Rica and Colombia
Costa Rica and Colombia, two of the earliest Latin American countries to protect many LGBT rights, attempted to amplify those rights and litigate same-sex marriage (SSM) in mid-2000s; however, these...
Bruce M. Wilson,Camila Gianella (2019)
in Latin American Politics and Society. vol. 61, Special Issue 2 pp. 138-163
Journal Article | 2017
Strengthening research to improve hypertensive patient outcomes in Peru
Comments to the Article from Vodicka, E., D. A. Antiporta, Y. Yshii, J. R. Zunt and P. J. Garcia (2016). "Patient acceptability of and readiness-to-pay for pharmacy-based health membership plans...
Gianella, C., Miranda, J. Jaime (2017)
in Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy vol. 13 no. 1
Journal Article | 2017
Abortion rights legal mobilization in the Peruvian media, 1990–2015
State and non-state actors engaged in disputes to expand and limit abortion rights have engaged in legal mobilization—in other words, strategies using rights and law as a central tool for...
Camila Gianella (2017)
in Health and Human Rights Journal vol. 19 no. 1
Journal Article | 2016
TB in Vulnerable Populations: The Case of an Indigenous Community in the Peruvian Amazon
This article analyzes the factors associated with vulnerability of the Ashaninka, the most populous indigenous Peruvian Amazonian people, to tuberculosis (TB). By applying a human rights-based analytical framework that assesses...
Camila Gianella, César Ugarte-Gil, Godofredo Caro, Rula Aylas, César Castro, and Claudia Lema (2016)
in Health and Human Rights Journal vol. 18 no. 1 pp. 55-68
Journal Article | 2013
Giving Effect to Children's Right to Health in Colombia? Analysing the Implementation of Court Decisions Ordering Health System Reform
Despite major developments to provide conceptual clarity to the legal enforcement of economic, social and cultural (ESC) rights, research analysing the processes of implementing court rulings and their actual impact...
Camila Gianella, Siri Gloppen and Elisabeth Fosse (2013)
in Journal of Human Rights Practice vol. 5 no. 1 pp. 153-176
Journal Article | 2013
A Human Rights Based Approach to Participation in Health Reform: Experiences from the Implementation of Constitutional Court Orders in Colombia
This paper analyses how participation was understood and put in place by the bodies in charge of implementing the Colombian Constitutional Court’s Decision T-760/2008, which ordered extensive reforms of the...
Camila Gianella (2013)
in Nordic Journal of Human Rights vol. 31 no. 1 pp. 84-107
Journal Article | 2008
Community mobilization after an earthquake: case study of the use of the IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings on mental health and psychosocial support in Peru
This article describes and analyzes the first comprehensive case study of the application of the IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support by Medicos del Mundo - Spain after...
Rivera, Miryam; Pérez-Sales, Pau; Aparcana, José Luis; Bazán, Mariella; Gianella, Camilla; Lozano, Alfonso (2008)
in Intervention vol. 6 no. 3 pp. 275-283
Book | 2015
After Violence: Transitional Justice, Peace, and Democracy
The field of transitional justice has recently seen a surge of interest in the issues of effectiveness and impact. This book examines the effects of transitional justice on the development...
Elin Skaar, Camila Gianella, and Trine Eide (2015)
London: Routledge (Transitional Justice Series)
Book Chapter | 2022
Progressive legislation in the context of generalised conservative public opinion: The case of LGBT rights in Mozambique
In June 2016, pictures of a "gay wedding" were shared on social media in Mozambique. Many reactions were conservative and against the "marriage". The outrage and adverse reactions were surprising...
Carmeliza Rosario, Camila Gianella (2022)
in Adrian Jjuuko, Siri Gloppen, Alan Msosa and Frans Viljoen: Queer lawfare in Africa: Legal strategies in contexts of LGBTIQ+ criminalisation and politicisation. Pretoria: Pretoria University Law Press (PULP)
Book Chapter | 2022
When Winning in the Courts is Not Enough: Abortion and the Limits of Legal Mobilization Without Grassroots Involvement in Peru
When Winning in the Courts is Not Enough: Abortion and the Limits of Legal Mobilization Without Grassroots Involvement in Peru (2022)
in Sandra Botero, Colombia, Daniel M. Brinks, and Ezequiel A. Gonzalez-Ocantos: The Limits of Judicialization From Progress to Backlash in Latin America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Book Chapter | 2019
The Judicialisation of Politics in Latin America
Bruce M. Wilson,Camila Gianella (2019)
in Sieder, Rachel., Ansolabehere, Karina., Alfonso, Tatiana: Routledge Handbook of Law and Society in Latin America. Routledge
Book Chapter | 2019
Evolução Histórico-Legal do Processo de Despenalização do Aborto em Moçambique.
Carmeliza Rosario,Camila Gianella (2019)
in A. Carlos, B. M. Cau, B. Chilundo, J. J. Picardo and S. Griffin : Planeamento Familiar e Políticas de Saúde Sexual e Reprodutiva em Moçambique. Maputo: CEPSA pp. 259-279
Book Chapter | 2019
Exploración de las barreras para el acceso oportuno al diagnóstico y tratamiento del cáncer de cuello uterino y de mama en el Perú y su relación con la inversión pública
Camila Gianella (2019)
in Roberto López Linares, Camila Gianella Malca, Edson Meza Cornejo: La Otra Lucha Contra el Cáncer. Justicia Fiscal Por La Salud de las Mujeres. Lima: Oxfam AIS pp. 17- 48
Book Chapter | 2018
Movimiento transnacional contra el derecho al aborto en América Latina
Camila Gianella (2018)
in Paola Bergallo, Isabel Cristina Jaramillo, Juan Marco Vaggione: El aborto en América Latina Estrategias jurídicas para luchar por su legalización y enfrentar las resistencias conservadoras. Buenos Aires: Siglo veintiuno editores
Book Chapter | 2016
LGBTI Rights
Bruce M. Wilson,Camila Gianella (2016)
in Juan González-Bertomeu, Roberto Gargarella: The Latin American Casebook. Courts, Constitutions, and Rights.
Book Chapter | 2015
Peru: changing contexts for transitional justice
Camila Gianella (2015)
in Elin Skaar, Camila Gianella, Trine Eide: After Violence: Transitional Justice, Peace, and Democracy. Routledge
Book Chapter | 2015
Transitional justice alternatives: claims and counterclaims
How do transitional justice mechanisms contribute to peace and democracy after authoritarian rule or violent conflict has ended? This chapter examines current theoretical and empirical knowledge on impact assessment in...
Elin Skaar and Camila Gianella Malca (2015)
in Elin Skaar, Camila Gianella and Trine Eide: After Violence: Transitional Justice, Peace, and Democracy. London and New York: Routledge pp. 1-28
Book Chapter | 2015
Towards a framework for impact assessment
Bridging the literatures on peacebuilding and transitional justice, this chapter outlines an analytical framework for assessing the impact of transitional justice mechanisms on peace and democracy. The multilayered qualitative framework...
Elin Skaar, Camila Gianella Malca, and Trine Eide (2015)
in Elin Skaar, Camila Gianella, and Trine Eide: After Violence: Transitional Justice, Peace, and Democracy. London and New York: Routledge (Transitional Justice Series) pp. 29-66
Book Chapter | 2015
Angola: negative peace and autocracy in the shadow of impunity
Angola has not addressed violations committed during almost three decades of war following independence, in which hundreds of thousands of people died. While the 2002 amnesty law may have helped...
Camila Gianella Malca and Elin Skaar (2015)
in Elin Skaar, Camila Gianella, and Trine Eide: After Violence: Transitional Justice, Peace, and Democracy. London and New York: Routledge (Transitional Justice Series) pp. 149-173
Book Chapter | 2015
A structured comparative analysis of one post-authoritarian case (Uruguay), two post-conflict cases (Rwanda and Angola), and one mixed case (Peru) demonstrates that contextual factors and timing are crucial to understanding...
Elin Skaar, Camila Gianella, and Trine Eide (2015)
in Elin Skaar, Camila Gianella, and Trine Eide: After Violence: Transitional Justice, Peace, and Democracy. London and New York: Routledge (Transitional Justice Series) pp. 174-198
Book Chapter | 2011
Colombia. Judicial protection of the right to health: An elusive promise?
Alicia Ely Yamin , Oscar Parra-Vera and Camila Gianella (2011)
in Alicia Ely Yamin and Siri Gloppen, eds.: Litigating health rights. Can courts bring more justice to health?. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press pp. 103-131
Book Chapter | 2000
Entrevistas a las victimas de violencia sexual
Camila Gianella, Adriana Zumaran, Claudia Lema (2000)
in Defensoria del Pueblo: Violencia Sexual: un problema de seguridad ciudadana. Las voces de las víctimas. Lima
Commissioned Report | 2020
Evaluation of Interfaith Rainforest Initiative (IRI) and UNEP as Implementing Organization
Kari Telle, Camila Gianella and Elling Tjønneland (2020)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute 51 p.
Commissioned Report | 2012
A way out of violent conflict. The impact of transitional justice on peace and democracy
Elin Skaar, Camila Gianella Malca and Trine Eide (2012)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (Commissioned report) 178 p.
CMI Working Paper | 2014
Latin American Civil-Military Relations in a Historical Perspective: A Literature Review
Civil-military relations constitute a crucial element in the transition to substantive democracy all over the world. During periods of authoritarianism or civil war, the military in Latin America has been...
Elin Skaar with Camila Gianella Malca (2014)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 2014:6) 36 p.
CMI Brief | 2021
Revertir cinco años de progreso: El impacto de la covid-19 en la mortalidad materna en Perú
Perú se ha retrasado al menos cinco años en su camino a la reducción de la mortalidad materna debido al profundo impacto que ha tenido la covid-19 en la provisión...
Camila Gianella, Jorge Ruiz-Cabrejos, Pamela Villacorta, Andrea Castro, Gabriel Carrasco-Escobar (2021)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief no. 2021:2) 4 p.
CMI Brief | 2021
Reverting five years of progress: Impact of COVID-19 on maternal mortality in Peru
Peru has moved back at least five years on its road to reducing maternal mortality, due to the profound impact COVID-19 has had on the capacity of health services. Our...
Camila Gianella, Jorge Ruiz-Cabrejos, Pamela Villacorta, Andrea Castro, Gabriel Carrasco-Escobar (2021)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief no. 2021:1) 4 p.
CMI Brief | 2017
What causes Latin America’s high incidence of adolescent pregnancy?
Latin America is the only region in the world where adolescent pregnancies are not decreasing. According to a recent article in the Lancet, if the current trend continues, Latin American...
Camila Gianella, Marta Rodriguez de Assis Machado, Angelica Peñas Defago (2017)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 16 no. 9) 4 p.
CMI Brief | 2017
A new conservative social movement? Latin America’s regional strategies to restrict abortion rights
Despite increased evidence of international lobbying groups working to restrict sexual and reproductive health and rights policies at international bodies such as the United Nations, little is known about transnational...
Camila Gianella Malca, Rachel Sieder, Angelica Peñas, Marta Rodriguez de Assis Machado (2017)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 16 no. 5) 4 p.
CMI Brief | 2016
Enforcement of water rights
In 2010, a UN Resolution explicitly recognized the human right to water and sanitation (HRtWS). But has this international recognition improved the ability of poor and marginalized people to secure...
Lara Côrtes, Camila Gianella, Bruce Wilson (2016)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 15 no. 9) 4 p.
CMI Brief | 2015
Rainbow revolution in Latin America: The battle for recognition
In a surprising turn of events, a “rainbow revolution” has blossomed in Latin America. In spite of the region’s long history of deep-rooted patriarchy, machismo, homophobia, and political and social...
Camila Gianella-Malca, Bruce Wilson (2015)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 14 no. 1) 4 p.
CMI Brief | 2014
Access denied. Abortion rights in Latin America
Millions of Latin American women face serious barriers to their sexual and reproductive rights, and they suffer serious consequences as a result. Latin American countries maintain restrictive abortion laws in spite of social...
Camila Gianella-Malca, Siri Gloppen (2014)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 13 no. 1) 4 p.
CMI Brief | 2013
Sexual and reproductive rights - a global legal battlefield
Millennium Development Goal number 5 (MDG 5) aims to reduce maternal mortality. In this brief we argue that, in the current global context more rigorous research focusing on the legal...
Camila Gianella, Siri Gloppen, Rachel Sieder, Alicia Yamin (2013)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 12 no. 1) 4 p.
CMI Brief | 2011
Does the Colombian constitutional court undermine the health system?
Is right-to-health litigation a suitable strategy for advancing the right to health, or does it reinforce inequalities and undermine health authorities in their attempts to control costs and set fair priorities? Colombia...
Camila Gianella (2011)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 10 no. 7) 4 p.
TNRC Publication | 2022
Community forestry and reducing corruption: Perspectives from the Peruvian Amazon
It is essential to involve the indigenous communities in preserving the forest that they themselves depend on.
Camila Gianella, Cynthia Cárdenas (2022)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (TNRC Publication 2022:2)
Doctoral Thesis | 2013
Challenges in Implementing the Colombian Constitutional Court’s Health-Care System Ruling of 2008
Camila Gianella (2013)
Popular Dissemination | 2021
Podcast: Building State Capacity? Anti-Corruption and Illegal Logging in the Peruvian Amazon
Peru has legal frameworks and institutions in place to tackle illegal logging. Despite these measures, deforestation is rampant. Last year alone more than 155 000 hectares of forest disappeared. Why...
David Aled Williams, Camila Gianella, Julia Urrunaga. (2021)
Journal Article | 2018
Struggle and Resistance: Using International Bodies to Advance Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Peru
Camila Gianella, Alicia Yamin (2018)
in Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law, and Justice Forthcoming 2018. vol. Forthcoming
Journal Article | 2017
Political determinants of sustainable development goals
We read with interest the article by the GBD 2016 SDG Collaborators1 (Sept 16, p 1423), which presents a comprehensive analysis of the potential gaps and gains in the health-related Sustainable...
Camila Gianella, Siri Gloppen, Marta Rodriguez de Assis Machado (2017)
in The Lancet vol. 390 no. 10112 pp. 2545-2546
Journal Article | 2016
Editorial: Developing a Human Rights-Based Approach to Tuberculosis
Brian Citro, Evan Lyon, Mihir Mankad, Kiran Raj Pandey, and Camila Gianella (Guest Editors) (2016)
in Health and Human Rights Journal vol. 18 no. 1
Journal Article | 2014
Epidemiology of Road Traffic Incidents in Peru 1973–2008: Incidence, Mortality, and Fatality
Jaime J. Miranda, Luis A. López-Rivera, Alex Quistberg, Edmundo Rosales Mayor, PIAT Working Group (2014)
Journal Article | 2010
¿Deliberación democrática o mercadeo social? Los dilemas de la definición pública en salud en el contexto del seguimiento de la sentencia T-760 de 2008
Camila Gianella Malca, Óscar Parra Vera, Alicia Ely Yamin y Mauricio Torres Tovar (2010)
in Cuadernos del Doctorado no. 11 pp. 107-132
Journal Article | 2010
Coverage of the emergency health care law and the Compulsory Insurance against Road Traffic Crashes (SOAT)
Objective. The aim of this study was to ascertain, from patients’ perspective, the degree of knowledge and the actual coverage of the Emergency Health Care Law and the Compulsory Insurance...
Jaime Miranda, Edmundo Rosales-Mayor, Camila Gianella, Ada Paca-Palao, Diego Luna, Luis Lopez, Luis Huicho, Equipo PIAT (2010)
in Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública vol. 27 no. 2
Conference Paper / Presentation | 2022
ROUNDTABLE: Truth Commissions and Sexual Violence
Sexual violence committed during war or internal armed conflict is a major global challenge, yet is often neglected during transitions from conflict and repressive regimes. Some governments have tried to...
Elin Skaar (2022)
Presented at: Bergen Exchanges 2022
Conference Paper / Presentation | 2019
Constitutional Recognition of the Right to Water: Opportunities and limitations in Brazil, Colombia and Peru
Lara Côrtes, Camila Gianella, Ángela María Paez Murcia (2019)
Presented at: Law and Society Association (LSA) Annual Meeting. Washington
Conference Paper / Presentation | 2019
Constitutional Reforms for the Enshrinement of the Right to Water: Opportunities and Limitations in Brazil, Colombia and Peru
Lara Côrtes, Camila Gianella, Catalina Vallejo, Ángela María Paez Murcia (2019)
Presented at: International conference Water in the Americas, CREDA (CNRS), Paris
Conference Paper / Presentation | 2018
Amazonian indigenous organization’s struggle towards the access to clean water in Peru. The case of 5 cuencas
On February 6, 2018, organizations representing many of the indigenous communities of the 5 rivers basins an affected by oil spills from the state owned Northern Peru pipeline, called for...
Camila Gianella (2018)
Presented at: 18th IUAES World Conference. OP 194. Water rights and indigenous identities in Latin America
Conference Paper / Presentation | 2018
Understanding the political dimensions of the “turn against sexual and reproductive rights” in Peru
Camila Gianella (2018)
Presented at: LASA2018. "The globalized backlash against reproductive rights movements: Latin America and Europe"
Conference Paper / Presentation | 2017
Evaluando la capacidad del sistema de salud para brindar atención en comunidades alejadas y rurales de la selva peruana a través del programa de control de la tuberculosis (Assessing health system´s capacity to provide care to rural and remote communities trough the lens of the tuberculosis program).
Camila Gianella (2017)
Presented at: Pre Regional Conference to the Fifth The Global Symposium on Health Systems Research: Advancing health systems for all in the SDG era.).
Conference Paper / Presentation | 2017
Framing of abortion lawfare by Peruvian printed media (1990-2015)
Camila Gianella (2017)
Presented at: Law and Society Association Annual Meeting. Session Abortion Rights Lawfare in Latin America and Beyond: II.
Conference Paper / Presentation | 2017
Narratives of Tuberculosis out of Pocket Expenses in Peru
Camila Gianella (2017)
Presented at: Latin American Studies Association- LASA2017 Congress
Conference Paper / Presentation | 2017
From Criminalization to Marriage Equality: Explaining Variance in LGBT Rights across Latin America.
Bruce M. Wilson,Camila Gianella (2017)
Presented at: Latin American Studies Association Congress. Session: LGBT Rights in Latin America. Lima, Peru.
Conference Paper / Presentation | 2016
Litigating Water as a Human Right: An Effective Strategy in Latin America?
Bruce M. Wilson,Camila Gianella,Lara Côrtes (2016)
Presented at: Law and Society Association Annual Meeting. Session IRC Transnational Natural Resource Governance, Sovereignty and Human Rights.
Conference Paper / Presentation | 2015
Reaching the Limits of Legal Mobilization Strategies: Evidence from Latin American LGBT Movements
Bruce M. Wilson,Camila Gianella (2015)
Presented at: Law and Society Association Annual Meeting. Session Legal Mobilization in Context: Litigation and Organizations. Seattle, USA.
Conference Paper / Presentation | 2015
Forced and Coerced Sterilization: the case of Peru
Forced and Coerced Sterilization: A global violation of the human rights of marginalized women and transgender people. Panel Discussion at the 59th Commission on the Status of Women, United Nations...
Camila Gianella (2015)
Presented at: Panel Discussion at the 59th Commission on the Status of Women, United Nations New York.
Conference Paper / Presentation | 2014
Latin American Civil-Military Relations in a Historical Perspective: A Literature Review
Civil-military relationships constitute a crucial element in the transition to substantive democracy all over the world. During periods of authoritarianism or civil war, the military in Latin America has been...
Elin Skaar with Camila Gianella Malca (2014)
Paper prepared for presentation at Everyday Maneouvers workshop at CMI, 20th-22nd January, 2014
Conference Paper / Presentation | 2011
Participation of indigenous peoples and extractive industries in Peru: From legal and political correctness to actual participatory process
Camila Gianella (2011)
Presented at: Second conference of Norwegian Latin American Research Network (NorLARNet). Bergen, Norway.
Conference Paper / Presentation | 2011
The Role of the Courts in the Conflicts for Water Sources in Peru
Camila Gianella (2011)
Presented at: Law and Society Association Annual Meeting. Session IRC11 Transforming Conflicts and Policies (Sponsored by IRC11 Environmental Rights) 3511
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2019
Det politiske spillet truer Amazonas
Brasils president Jair Bolsonaros har ingen ønsker om å la klimahensyn gå foran økonomisk vekst. Hans planer for regnskogen kan føre til både folkemord og klimakatastrofe. Og han er ikke...
Camila Gianella,Samson Kleven (2019)
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2012
Neste uke starter dei kolombianske fredsforhandlingane i Oslo. Kan dei lykkast?
Camila Gianella and Catalina Vallejo (2012)
Klassekampen October 13
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2012
Family planning: Population numbers game must add up for women
Alicia Ely Yamin, Camila Gianella (2012)
The Guardian July 10 2012
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2011
Hvordan har de det egentlig i Peru?
Camila Gianella (2011)
Bergens Tidende 05.06.2011
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2011
¿Vamos a seguir hablando de las AQVs después de la campaña?
Camila Gianella (2011)
Noticias SER 15.06.2011
Presentation/Lecture | 2022
Corruption, anti-corruption and rights-based forest conservation:�Insights from Indonesia and Peru
David Aled Williams, Camila Gianella (2022)
Virtual Seminar with Rainforest Foundation Norway 02.02.2022
Presentation/Lecture | 2021
Webinar: Definitions matter: What do we mean when we talk about corruption in conservation, and what difference does it make?
What do we mean when we say corruption undermines sustainable management and conservation of natural resources? Are we all talking about the same thing? Does it matter? Corruption is usually...
David Aled Williams, Festus Boamah (University of Bayreuth), Camila Gianella, Elizabeth Hart (WWF-US) (2021)
TNRC Webinar April 8th 2021
Presentation/Lecture | 2021
Webinar: Corruption in the Environment: New Perspectives
This panel discussion presented new TNRC research on the dynamics of corruption in natural resource management and new perspectives on the challenges of integrating effective responses to corruption into the...
Elizabeth Hart (WWF US), Camila Gianella (CMI), Kurt Holle (WWF Peru), Saul Mullard (U4-CMI), Richard Nash (WWF International), Nanie Ratsifandrihamanana (WWF Madagascar), Aled Williams (U4-CMI) (2021)
OECD Integrity Week 25.03.2021
Presentation/Lecture | 2020
Water, Inequality, and Rights
Arkaja Singh, Bruce M. Wilson, Camila Gianella, Daniel Brinks, Inga Winkler, Malcolm Langford, Mathea Loen, Rebecca Shiel (2020)
Bergen Exchanges 18.08.2020
Presentation/Lecture | 2018
Law, politics and adolescent sexual and reproductive health: evidence of impact
Politics and law are major determinants of sexual and reproductive health, affecting the availability and quality of for sexual and reproductive health policies and services, including abortion care, as well...
Astrid Blystad, Karen Marie Moland, Camila Gianella, Marthe E.S. Haaland, Irene Maffi, Satang Nabaneh, Carmeliza Rosario, Liv Tønnessen, Nerima Were, Denise Zambezi (2018)
Department of Global Public Health & Primary Care 21.08.2018
Presentation/Lecture | 2018
Pardoning Crimes Against Humanity: The Case of Fujimori
Elin Skaar,Camila Gianella (2018)
Breakfast Forum, Bergen Resource Center 09.01.2018
Presentation/Lecture | 2018
Human Rights and Tuberculosis Control Strategies
In the 1980s, experts thought that tuberculosis (TB) could be eliminated in a matter of decades. This was a reasonable prediction considering that a effective drug treatment has been known...
Camila Gianella (2018)
Bergen Resource Centre January 31st. 2018
Presentation/Lecture | 2017
Derechos de las personas afectadas por la TB en el Perú
Presentation at the two-day workshop in Lima, Peru, entitled “Zero TB Initiative: Toward a Peru Free of Tuberculosis.” hosted by Harvard Medical School, Socios En Salud, and Advance Access & Delivery...
Camila Gianella (2017)
Zero TB Initiative: Toward a Peru Free of Tuberculosis December 12
Presentation/Lecture | 2017
Desafíos comunitarios en la respuesta a la tuberculosis en América Latina: Derechos Humanos
Construyendo Alianzas Más Fuertes para la Tuberculosis y la co-infección TB/VIH para abogacía en las Américas. Workshop organized by the International Federation of Red Cross and Stop TB Partnership. Panama...
Camila Gianella (2017)
Construyendo Alianzas Más Fuertes para la Tuberculosis y la co-infección TB/VIH para abogacía en las Américas November 27
Presentation/Lecture | 2017
How can human rights and legal approaches be used in the TB response in Peru and Latin America
Presentation at TB and Human Rights Strategy Meeting organized by The University of Chicago Law School, KELIN and Stop TB Partneship. Geneva March 9 and 10 2018.
Camila Gianella (2017)
TB and Human Rights Strategy Meeting March 9
Presentation/Lecture | 2017
Elevating Water Rights to Human Rights: Has it Strengthened Marginalized Peoples’ Claim for Water?
Bruce M. Wilson, Camila Gianella, Lara Cortes (2017)
SamPol, University of Bergen, Norway 08.02.2017
Presentation/Lecture | 2017
Elevating Water Rights to Human Rights: Has it Strengthened Marginalized Peoples’ Claim for Water?”
Bruce M. Wilson, Camila Gianella, Lara Cortes (2017)
CMI Rights Cluster meeting presentation, CMI, Bergen, Norway 07.02.2017
Presentation/Lecture | 2015
Book Talk: After Violence: Effect of Transitional Justice Mechanisms
The session discusses the findings of a new book by Elin Skaar, Camila Gianella Malca, and Trine Eide examining the effect of transitional justice on the development of peace and...
Elin Skaar, Camila Gianella Malca, Trine Eide (2015)
Bergen Exchanges of Law and Social Transformation week 20 August, 2015
Blog post | 2021
Standoff in a pandemic: Land grabbing versus protection of the Peruvian Amazon
Redeployments of police and military personnel to tackle the Covid pandemic have given illegal loggers ample opportunity to freely operate in the Peruvian Amazon. Now, in a scramble to revive...
Camila Gianella (2021)
U4 Blog Post
Blog post | 2017
Conservative mobilization and adolescent pregnancy in Latin America
Camila Gianella, Marta R. de Assis Machado and Angélica Peñas Defago (2017)
Blog post | 2011
Participación en Salud, tarea pendiente
Camila Gianella (2011)
Noticias SER 20.07.2011
Blog post | 2011
Mining and water conflicts
Camila Gianella (2011)
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre 03.03.2011
Impact Series | 2019
Changing the public narrative: The case of forced sterilizations in Peru
In a drive for lower birth rates during the mid-90’s, Peruvian authorities launched a campaign to persuade women to get sterilized. More than 200 000 women underwent the surgical procedure...
Åse Johanne Roti Dahl (2019)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Impact Series IS 2019:01)
U4 Workshop | 2022
Virtual Workshop: Corruption, Anti-Corruption and Environmental Crimes in Peru: Developing a Shared Understanding
Hosted by FCDO Peru this online scoping workshop´s objectives were to:
Provide a safe space (under Chatham House rules) to share information among U4 Partners and other bilateral and multilateral donors...
David Aled Williams (facilitator), Sophie Lemaitre (facilitator), Julia Urrunaga (EIA Peru, speaker), Camila Gianella (PUCP, speaker) (2022)
Online no. 28.04.2022
Targeting Natural Resource Corruption (TNRC)
Aug 2018 - Mar 2023
Sexual and Reproductive Rights Lawfare: Global battles
May 2014 - Jan 2020
Abortion Rights Lawfare in Latin America
Jul 2014 - Jun 2017
After Violence: Transitional Justice, Peace, and Democracy
Jan 2010 - Jun 2015
Real-Time Evaluation of Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative
Aug 2011 - Sep 2012