Arne Wiig
Completed projects

Effects of Externalisation

Creating a political and social climate for climate change

Developing countries and the tourist industry

The small business baseline survey, Namibia

CEIC-CMI Angola Programme

Diversification of the Angolan Economy

Inequality in Angola

UD-Effects of terrorism and social unrest on the ready-made garments (RMG)]

On the mechanics of microfinance

Poverty and entrepreneurship

Diversification of the Angolan economy

Governance and FDI in Bangladesh: A global perspective

Bangladesh: Capacity building and sustainability

Private sector development: The role of education and business training

Bangladesh: Programme monitoring and coordination

Bangladesh: Inclusive growth and good governance

Democracy and corruption

Micro credit for Sustainable Development in Angola

Comparative Corporate Strategies

Natural resources, corruption and trust

Entrepreneurship and human capital

Augmenting teaching resources at UCAN

Foreign direct investment and regional trade

Angola: Social Funds

Impacts of trade liberalisation on poverty in SADC

Norske bedrifters CSR-relaterte utfordringer

Mid-term review - Bangladesh

How can Aid for Trade promote poverty reduction

Budget Process and Transparency in Angola

Business ethics for multinational corporations in developing countries

Trade policy and poverty: A review

Business ethics for multinational corporations in developing countries

Social responsibility of oil companies: Angola

WTO/GATS and economic development: Key to 'the new economy'?

WTO/GATS and economic development: key to 'the new economy'?

Social responsibility and strategies for internationalisation: The Angolan Case

Telecommunications and changing trading practices in Ghana

Experience from Bangladesh with ethical trading

Norwegian imports from LDCs

Sanitary and phytosanitary standards (SPS) and technical assistance

Market access for LDCs
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CMI Reports
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Key Qualifications
Wiig is an economist whose professional profile and research interests include: i) globalization including migration, climate change, multinational companies and corporate social responsibility; ii) poverty dynamics including diversification, vulnerability, job creation and entrepreneurship; and iii) political participation, including voting behaviour and political preferences. Wiig has considerable experience in the use of quantitative empirical methods including field and lab experiments.
Wiig has long lasting experience in capacity building in research institutions in developing countries, in particular through long term institutional collaboration agreements in Angola, Bangladesh, Namibia and Botswana. Wiig has published extensively on a range of topics within development economics.
Wiig has during the last three decades been involved in research and consultancies in Bangladesh, including several guest visits at Bangladesh Institute of Development studies, been a country advisor on Bangladesh issues to the Norwegian Agency of Development Cooperation and been the coordinator of a large institutional research programme on 'Poverty and Governance', between CMI and the Centre for Policy Dialogue in Bangladesh.
Wiig is currently a coordinator at CMI in a large capacity building programme in Angola. He is project leader of projects on CSR in the world oil industry, local impacts of diamond production in host communities and experimental analysis on information and accountability.
Wiig has conducted research and consultancies for a number of different national and international institutions, including the Norwegian Research Council, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norwegian Ministry of Oil and Energy, The Namibian Ministry of Trade and Industry, Save the Children, NORAD, African Capacity Building Fund, Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO). Wiig was the head of an international trade group associated to formative research on SADC (FORPRISA) located at Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis (BIDPA).