Ivar Kolstad
Completed projects

Effects of Externalisation

Creating a political and social climate for climate change

Diversification of the Angolan Economy

Inequality in Angola

On the mechanics of microfinance

Poverty and entrepreneurship

Diversification of the Angolan economy

Governance and FDI in Bangladesh: A global perspective

Private sector development: The role of education and business training

Bangladesh: Inclusive growth and good governance

Democracy and corruption

Micro credit for Sustainable Development in Angola

Comparative Corporate Strategies

Natural resources, corruption and trust

Entrepreneurship and human capital

Augmenting teaching resources at UCAN

Corruption as illegitimate violation of the division of moral labour

Foreign direct investment and regional trade

Norske bedrifters CSR-relaterte utfordringer

NFU 2007 panel debate on the EITI and workshop on voluntary initiatives and CSR

Identifying and dealing with corruption in natural resource management

Business ethics for multinational corporations in developing countries

Anti-corruption essential training course Switzerland

Trade policy and poverty: A review

Business ethics for multinational corporations in developing countries

WTO/GATS and economic development: key to 'the new economy'?

Writing Rights: Human Rights Research at the Chr. Michelsen Institute 1984-2004

Telecommunications and changing trading practices in Ghana

Social development, FDI, and domestic investment

Determinants of service sector FDI

ABCDE conference proceedings: Development economics

Sanitary and phytosanitary standards (SPS) and technical assistance
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Economist whose current research focuses on the political economy of development, poverty dynamics, and corporate social responsibility
Senior Researcher whose current research focuses on three topics: i) the ethics and economics of corruption, human rights, tax havens, corporate social responsibility, and responsible investment; ii) the political economy of globalization and development; and iii) poverty dynamics including diversification, job creation and entrepreneurship. Kolstad has managed a number of major research projects, funded by the Research Council of Norway, the World Bank, DFID, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norad, the Government of Malaysia, Irish Aid, and more. He has substantial experience from research in developing countries in Africa and Asia, in particular Angola, Tanzania, and Bangladesh. Kolstad has a PhD from the Norwegian School of Economics, where he currently teaches business ethics.