Arne Strand
Current projects

Conflict Enclosures
Completed projects

Targeting Natural Resource Corruption (TNRC)

Life Skills in Non-Formal Contexts for Adolescent Girls in Developing Countries

[CoAR: Strategy development ]

Digital Revolutions: Assessing the Role, Influence, and Potential

Politics of Faith

Financing Education in Afghanistan: Opportunities for Action

Transformations in the Arab World

Afghanistan. Focus on women - experiences from Norwegian funded NGO projects

Policy Briefs Afghanistan

Policy Briefs Afghanistan

Conflict Sensititive Training

Conflict Sensititive Training

Development of Strategic Plan for CoAR Network 2012-15

Development of Strategic Plan for CoAR Network 2012-15

Organisational assessment Norwegian Afghanistan Commitee

Achieving Durable Peace in Afghanistan

Forced Migrants, Human Rights and Lasting Peace

IRRINI Review - voluntary return to Iraq

Theatre development in Afghanistan

Nordic Development collaboration in Afghanistan

Violence in the post-conflict state

Hydro carbon resources in Afghanistan

Review of support for Afghans returning from Norway

Religious Civil Society in Afghanistan

Web pages: Afghanistan

Review of Norwegia Earthquake support - Pakistan

Evaluation of Afghanistan's National Solidarity Program

Dutch Humanitarian Afghanistan Assistance (2001-2005)

What Kind of Peace is Possible?

Multidonor Evaluation of Humanitarian Assistance to Afghanistan

From War-Termination to Sustainable Peacebuilding?

Afghanistan: A Model for Peace Building? A Norwegian-German Conference

Effects and Impact of Mine Action on Peacebuilding

Mine Action for Peace - Afghanistan

Web Pages: Afghanistan - Peacebuilding in a Regional Perspective

Review of Afghan Development Strategy

Conflictual peacebuilding: Afghanistan two years after Bonn

Alternatives to forced return (Roundtable conferance on Afghanistan)

Afghanistan: Civil Society and Aid Coordination

Conference: Peacebuilding in Afghanistan

Evaluation report: Act International: Afghanistan appeals: ASAF 11 and 21

Afghanistan: Current humanitarian challenges
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Political Scientist focusing on peace, conflict, aid and Afghanistan.
Arne Strand has a PhD in Post-war Recovery Studies where he studied coordination of humanitarian assistance in complex emergencies. His research focuses on aid coordination, forced migration and reintegration, peace-building and security sector reform and humanitarian and development assistance.
Strand has been team leader of several evaluations and research programmes in and on Afghanistan. He has extensive management experience from NGOs and research institutes, and has also been involved in developing management and professional capacities of Afghan NGOs and peacebuilding organisations.
Strand was coordinator at the Norwegian Centre for Humanitarian Studies.
From 15 June 2016 until December 2021 Strand held the position as Director of the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre at CMI.